March 05, 2011

R-r-r-u-s-h S-s-s-a-v-e-s t-h-e d-d-d-a-y!!!

U.N.Owen’s Rating:  3.7/5

*Spoiler’s Ahead!

Winner of several awards including the Golden Globes & the Oscar’s, “Kings Speech” may not  be a landmark in cinema history but it does send out a message , though a bit clichéd. The movie explains the rising of King George VI to the throne and freedom from his weakness, fear. “Bertie” ( George’s nickname) has a problem, his stammer. Every time he faces a gathering the jitterbugs shoots in & he begins to stammer. From that moment, Bertie finds peace & confidence in the form of a friend & help, Logue. As he goes through several emotional incidents, trying times, he realizes how much he could change & achieve if only he had that absent confidence & faith in himself. Through these times, he is accompanied by his loyal & faithful friend, Logue.

“Kings Speech” is ,in a nutshell, a story about a man who is at the pinnacle of attaining power & his friendship with a mere fellow being who in fact isn’t a certified Doctor. Geoffrey Rush’s performance as Lionel Logue is noteworthy, in fact he should have won an Oscar. Colin Firth, though not brilliant, did perform well enough to win an Oscar (the other’s in the category didn’t have a chance!). Scenes showing “Bertie” swear could have been cut, quite pointless.

Verdict: Overall, a good period movie in a long time with a hint of “I’ll be there for you, my friend” sprinkled on it. Watch it just for Rush’s performance. 


Gadget News said...

nice... i like it.

U.N.Owen said...

hey thx a lot. :)

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